RS –3497— Coastal Dreams


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Hand Delivered by a Local Florist

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Greeting Card

Your order will include a Florist Counter Card. Toggle the switch above to select a beautiful, full-size greeting card for a small additional charge. $5.

*Limit 200 Characters

Calming blue hydrangea, peach carnations and roses. Enjoy the fun lavender button pompons as a colorful contrast to the classic blooms.

Thoughtful Additions

Browse our Gift Upgrades
Addon Image for Balloon Upgrade
Addon Image for Cut Roses Upgrade
Addon Image for Plush Upgrade
Addon Image for Candle Upgrade
Addon Image for Fragrance Upgrade
Addon Image for Chocolate Upgrade
Addon Image for Candy and Snack Upgrade

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  3. Recipient's Telephone is Required
  4. Delivery will be No-Contact - When Required by Authorities.
  5. I have reviewed the Greeting Card Message for accuracy.