Rose Arrangement

Item# 1002
One Dozen Roses

One Dozen Roses


A classic arrangement of one dozen roses in a spring garden vase. Shown with lemon leaf and varigated pittosporum. Greenery may vary

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 1012
Classic Rose

Classic Rose


Beautiful Red Velvet Roses arranged with salal in a classic, tapered glass vase.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2931
Posh Roses

Posh Roses


Straying from traditional rose presentation, we arranged classic, red roses in a Korean Style paperboard container.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2865
Gilded Splendor

Gilded Splendor


Twenty-Four lovely roses arranged with gilded lemon leaf and arranged in a large, ruby glass vase.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 1967
Gilded Rose Bouquet

Gilded Rose Bouquet


Yule Rose Bouquet combines twelve premium roses with gilded salal, eucalyptus and golden fir branches in a red glass vase.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2853
Logan Rose Bouquet

Logan Rose Bouquet


Logan Rose Bouquet is a regal gesture of affection. Twenty-Four premium roses compactly arranged in a field of hydrangea and hypericum and finished with a hand-made heart.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2781
Julian Rose Arrangement

Julian Rose Arrangement


Julian is a rose arrangement of roses and spray roses along with safari sunset leucadendron and tropical tips. Wisp of greenery lend a rustic, more 'organic', garden look to the classic rose arrangement. Finished with a faux

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2772
Skylar Rose Bouquet

Skylar Rose Bouquet


Skylar is a vibrant arrangement of roses and garden roses in a strong palette of orange and yellow accented with pink and lavender. Set againts a backdrop of tropical leaves such as monstera and fatsia, ti and flax. We will select the most luxurious stems to arrange your premium rose bouquet.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2753
Blushing Rose Premium Bouquet

Blushing Rose Premium Bouquet


Sending three-dozen perfectly pink roses and waxflower in a our large glass urn to the one you love shows that you know how much fun love is! And everyone appreciates that!

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2765
Blushing Rose Bouquet

Blushing Rose Bouquet


Sending 24 perfectly pink roses and babies breath arranged in a glass vase to the one you love shows that you know how much fun love is! And everyone appreciates that!

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2748
Astrid Rose Arrangement

Astrid Rose Arrangement


Astrid displays strength and beauty. Two Dozen, Graceful, red-velvet roses and tufts of spray roses, large succulent rosettes and green Hydrangea are arranged with Safari Sunset leucadendron and tufts of princess foliage in our keepsake quality, sculpted urn.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2723
Jen Rose Arrangement

Jen Rose Arrangement


Eighteen Pink and 6 long-stem Red Roses luxuriously arranged in our footed urn with tropical greenery, lush lemon folialge, ti leaf and a hint of eucalyptus. Finish with a wide double-faced satin ribbon bow. Jen is a lavish expression of your warm thoughts. Available in any rose color combination.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2714
Ellie-Rose Arrangement

Ellie-Rose Arrangement


Ellie-Rose is a lovely, bright arrangement of fresh tea and spray roses in vibrant cream, yellow and purples.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2623
Delaney Bouquet

Delaney Bouquet


Delaney Bouquet is a collection of ruby and deep pink roses, garnet spray roses and soft pink, frangrant Orchid Lilies arranged in a short cylinder vase and finished with two striking Cymbidium Orchid blooms.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2534
les Trois Roses

les Trois Roses


les Trois Roses nestled in a beautifully fragrant and textured arrangement of Stock, Hydrangea, Sea Holly and Aspidistra. Our heavy, clear cylinder vase is lined with a Monstera leaf.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2535



Rosabela is a beautiful assortement of 8 roses in tones of pink. Arranged in our heavy glass cylinder vase lined with coordinating faux aspidistra which hides the stems, this beautiful bouquet dazzles with texture and tone. See Rosana to change the container.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2487
Six Clutched Roses

Six Clutched Roses


Roses, clutched together in the midst of a collar of green Ti, bupleurum and waxflower. A fresh take on a classic gift.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2488
Six Roses

Six Roses


Six royal roses stand vibrantly in a vase of assorted greenery ready to convey your affections.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2517



This arrangement of 75 roses was created for a special lady's seventy-fifth birthday. It was stunning and we have added it to ur collection.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 6221
Rosy Glow Bouquet

Rosy Glow Bouquet


Glowing yellow roses and solidago mixed with greens are delivered in a clear glass gathering vase. Sunny skies ahead!

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2233
Four Dozen Roses

Four Dozen Roses


Four dozen beautiful, assorted roses.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2211
Thirty-Six Rose Urn

Thirty-Six Rose Urn


Thirty six yellow roses arranged in a very large, classic urn.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 1003
18 Premium Roses

18 Premium Roses


Our classic arrangement of long stem red roses. This deluxe version is created with 18 of our finest roses.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 1004
24 Premium Roses

24 Premium Roses


Truly impressive is this lavish arrangement of twenty-four of our best roses in a classic arrangement.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 1026
Presentation Rose Bouquet

Presentation Rose Bouquet


One dozen of our finest roses arranged as a presentation bouquet. Perfectly balanced for the presentee to receive along with their honors for the event. Lavishly finished with lush greenery and closed with a satin clutch. After the event the stems can be cut and the bouquet dropped into a vase for extended enjoyment.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2685
Delaney Premium Bouquet

Delaney Premium Bouquet


Delaney Bouquet is a collection of ruby and deep pink roses, garnet spray roses and soft pink, frangrant Orchid Lilies arranged in a short cylinder vase and finished with stunning phalaenopsis orchids. (Orchid Colors may vary)

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2533
Luxury Rose Arrangement

Luxury Rose Arrangement


Five dozen, premium roses arranged in a clear vase create a luxuriously elegant gift of love.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 902533
Luxury Rose Arrangement

Luxury Rose Arrangement


Five dozen, premium roses arranged in a clear vase create a luxuriously elegant gift of love.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Rose of Sharon Florist would be pleased to deliver any item from our Rose Arrangement Collection or any of our over 2500 items from our catalog to your loved one, business associate or friend in any of the following Zip Codes 93454 93455 93458 93420 93433 93401 93405 93427 or Santa Maria, Nipomo, Guadalupe, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Lompoc and surrounding areas. via our own trucks. Call us at 805-925-3803 or 888-249-0733 for assistance or place your order online.

Trust the experts at Rose of Sharon Florist for all your gifting needs. Call us today at 888-249-0733