Expressions of Sympathy

Item# 6923
Grande Gourmet Fruit Tray

Grande Gourmet Fruit Tray


Our Grande Gourmet is a seasonal collection of fruit, chocolates, cookies, jams, and teas in a wood crate and finished by overwrapping in cellophane and a ribbon. Contents will vary depending upon season and size ordered.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2101
Emilia Table Arrangement

Emilia Table Arrangement


Emilia speaks softly with a lovely palette of alabaster hydrangea and fragrant lily, pastel lavender stock and peach roses arranged in a low, gathered, glass vase. Stunning simplicty perfect for any occasion.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2782
Emilia Table Arrangement

Emilia Table Arrangement


Emilia speaks softly with a lovely palette of alabaster hydrangea and fragrant lily, pastel lavender stock and peach roses arranged in a low, gathered, glass vase. Stunning simplicty perfect for any occasion.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2477
Memorial Garden Urn

Memorial Garden Urn


Sympathy urn of pastel flowers, perfect for a Spring Memorial or woman's service. Suitable for funeral visitation, memorial service or gift to the home.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 3843
Cherished Friend Bouquet

Cherished Friend Bouquet


Cherished Friend Bouquet offers comfort and sympathy in the time of grief and loss. Bright white roses and Peruvian lilies are accented by lush greens and gorgeously arranged in a clear glass gathering vase to create a bouquet that will bring peace and show how much you care.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 3856
Light In Your Honor Bouquet

Light In Your Honor Bouquet


Light In Your Honor Bouquet is a beautifully bright arrangement bursting with elegant fragrance to convey your deepest sympathies for the loss of their loved one. A stunning bouquet of gorgeous Orchid lilies are accented with lush greens and seated in a clear glass vase to create a bouquet that is serenely sophisticated, offering comfort and peace in their time of need.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 3883
Heartfelt Condolences Arrangement

Heartfelt Condolences Arrangement


Let this exquisite composition of beautiful white blossoms deliver your sympathy and comfort loved ones grieving a loss. The elegance of this arrangement and its warm, homey basket base makes it an appropriate addition to any wake, funeral or graveside service, or to send to the home of family or friends. Handcrafted by a local FTD artisan florist of individually selected white roses, stock, cushion pompons and larkspur set among complementary greens for a memorable bouquet that evokes a tranqui

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 3968
All Things Bright Bouquet

All Things Bright Bouquet


All Things Bright Bouquet offers warmth and comfort to your special recipient during this time of loss and grief. Gorgeous lavender roses are arranged amongst fragrant pink stock and lush greens, seated in a clear glass vase, to create a bouquet that beautifully conveys your deepest sympathies.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 3982
Loving Sympathy Basket

Loving Sympathy Basket


Loving Sympathy Basket is a wonderful way to convey your condolences for their loss. Lavender roses, pink Asiatic lilies, lavender daisies, purple matsumoto asters, green hypericum berries and lush greens are sweetly arranged in a square whitewash basket to create a lovely way to offer you caring kindness during this trying time.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4006
Truly Loved Basket

Truly Loved Basket


Truly Loved Basket exudes fantastic color, warmth and cheer to convey your most heartfelt sympathies for their loss. Purple tulips, fuchsia spray roses, lavender carnations, lavender larkspur, lavender button poms, jade spider chrysanthemums, green hypericum berries and lush greens are beautifully arranged in a brown willow basket to create a wonderful way to show how much you care.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4012
Glowing Ray Bouquet

Glowing Ray Bouquet


A sunshine bright bouquet that expresses your sympathy and condolences in a way that reflects faith, hope and celebration of the life that has passed. This grand bouquet is crafted by an FTD artisan florist of yellow roses, gladioli and Asiatic lilies with Bells of Ireland and accented with aspidistra leaves arranged in a simply elegant, tapered glass vase. It makes a comforting addition to a wake, or a funeral service.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4025
Farewell Too Soon Bouquet

Farewell Too Soon Bouquet


Farewell Too Soon Bouquet is a blushingly beautiful way to convey your deepest sympathies for their loss. Pink and lavender roses are offset by pink Asiatic lilies, solidago and lush greens, perfectly arranged in a clear glass vase, to offer warmth and comfort to those facing the loss of their loved one.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4062
Sweet Peace Bouquet

Sweet Peace Bouquet


Sweet Peace Bouquet is an elegant way to convey your deepest sympathies for the loss of their child. White roses, daisies, and Orchid lilies are sweetly accented with light blue delphinium, lush greens and a light blue organza ribbon, arranged to perfection in a clear glass vase, to create an exquisite way to offer comfort during this time of grief and sadness.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4068
Shared Memories Bouquet

Shared Memories Bouquet


Shared Memories Bouquet is a sweet and blushing remembrance of the life and love of the deceased. White roses, pink Asiatic lilies, burgundy carnations, fuchsia mini carnations, white spider chrysanthemums, Queen Anne's Lace and a variety of lush greens are gracefully arranged in a clear glass cube to create an elegant and sophisticated way to pay tribute to a loved one you will never forget.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 4071
Enduring Peace Basket

Enduring Peace Basket


Enduring Peace Basket is bursting with grace and sweet elegance to honor the life of the deceased and offer comfort to the friends and family suffering from their loss. White freesia pop against a bed of pink gerbera daisies, roses and mini carnations, gorgeously accented with lush greens and arranged in a small oval whitewash willow basket, to create a beautiful way to convey your deepest sympathies.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2793
Rosangel Tribute

Rosangel Tribute


Rosangel is a stylized table arrangement of antique garden roses, sprays of pink dendrobium and yellow oncidium orchds, deep pink miniature roses and fragrant lilies surrounding our keepsake garden angel. Created in a high quality, ceramic planter this quality memorial is perfect for both church and mortuary or as a gift of faith to the next of kins home.

Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Item# 2085
Expressions of Sympathy

Expressions of Sympathy


Prices are plus Delivery & Tax

Rose of Sharon Florist would be pleased to deliver any item from our Expressions of Sympathy Collection or any of our over 2500 items from our catalog to your loved one, business associate or friend in any of the following Zip Codes 93454 93455 93458 93420 93433 93401 93405 93427 or Santa Maria, Nipomo, Guadalupe, Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, Lompoc and surrounding areas. via our own trucks. Call us at 805-925-3803 or 888-249-0733 for assistance or place your order online.

Trust the experts at Rose of Sharon Florist for all your gifting needs. Call us today at 888-249-0733